
By | 2-February-2018

It looked like 2018 was off to a quiet start but in January there has been at least 24 captured in the easily found media publicized stings. We are probably on track for another 280+ captures (like last 3 years) not to mention the 1000+ major stings will take down. FY2017 had $27.6M in funding which tends to allocate roughly $300-500k per state for the ICAC task force and the STING operation is often how they continue to justify the grant money.

I’ve created a new section for YOUR story, if you have one. I’ve read some on a few blogs and other related websites. I will try to include those links or reach out to those individuals. It is difficult to get through on your own. There is safety in numbers as well as empathy.

On a sad note, Mark Salling, committed suicide prior to sentencing related to child porn. Visit the Florida Action Committee website for more details and comments. As I follow these stings and other sexual assult/harassment cases I’ve noticed this is not uncommon. In Washington State I’ve noticed several cases (~3) of suicide in their 150+ plus Net Nanny captures. That would put the rate at about 2% of individuals captured kill themselves. Please seek help with family, counseling, God, or others.  Repent (turn around), hold fast and have FAITH. Philippians 4:13I can do all things through Christ who strengthens me.


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