Category Archives: General Update

30-Dec-2018 – Skin in the Game

It appears to have been a banner year for these sting operations. My monthly tracking has showed over 550 people were captured in mostly big sting operations that I’ve found searching on the internet. Imagine how many smaller or less publicized operations I also missed. In 2018 over $28 million was released by the DOJ… Read More »


Not too much going on (via my searching) since my last posting. I have seen several cases resolved (Pleas and sentencing). I diligently track the Washington State “Net Nanny” cases of which almost half of their total cases have been closed out ~90 out of 182. Most are encountering aggressive 5+ year sentences with only… Read More »


Summer begins tomorrow but I’m sure the stings will continue. Like shooting fish in a barrel. It seems there is NO END to this madness. The funding to conduct the stings is seemingly unlimited (we must stop the funding to limit the stings)! These investigators should be targeting REAL crimes, not making up situations and… Read More »


Well, it is now May and without Craigslist or Backpage are the stings still happening? Yes! The new method is more direct and using various SmartPhone apps. I’m not sure which ones are being used but possible ones may include: Tinder, snapchat, Grindr and dating sites like or At least 18 more were… Read More »


This website is a culmination of hundreds of hours of searching, reading, and research about sex sting operations. Until one is impacted (directly or via family member/friend) you really don’t think about the scale of these operations. Prostitution stings tend to be very large scale capturing hundreds of John’s often charged with misdemeanor and pay… Read More »


Several updates to the Resource section of this website. I still have quite a few links to Journal related articles to add. I’m also going to add a section which contains LINKS to actual Sing Operations taking place so you can see the proliferation of these and get an idea how many people are being… Read More »